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Sunday, February 27, 2005

hmmz. i went kbox 2-7 yesterday. so fun~!! a lot of new songs. esp stef sun songs =D and SHE songs. too bad pan wei bo only has one more new song other than wuha and kuai le chong bai.

anyways. i feel so tired recently. exhausted from all the events and going-ons. sick of almost everything happening around me. i just feel like i want a peaceful day at home, sitting down to rot. pardon me.

the so-called 'first three months' are ending soon. these two months have really opened my eyes to everything. seen a lot of people will behave under a completely new environment. how they try to adapt. some people try very hard. some present their original, true-blue genuine self. some lose their original self in the process of trying desperately to fit into the new environment. they act. put on a show...may it be act cool, seh, cute, man, muggy, slacky. of course, some people are born with the seh-ness, coolness, cuteness, manliness, mugginess and slackiness. but whatever it is, i observe, i learn, i zip. dont comment on anything(though i am sort of doing that now), dont get into trouble. im glad that some of us havent hid behind a mask of deception (hey who wants to watch son of the mask?). and i try hard to be genuine to others...i cant say for sure that i havent committed the same mistakes as others too.

so. although we always have to learn to fit into whatever environment that we are in and not the other way round, but we should not lose ourselves in the process. i always believe that we shouldnt change our preferences, our likings, habits, hobbies just because others dont share yours. we should not change ourselves for the sake of others. of course, unless your habits, hobbies etc are of a negative nature.

what im trying to say is, people change. we have to accept it.

ok sorry for typing the load of crap above.
all 4k-ers and 05s62+04s62, please tune in to 933fm tomorrow at around 845pm, the programme lasts until 11pm. i dont know whether my letter will be read dont kill me if u have wasted your 2 hrs =P and i wrote a lot of names so the dj might not read some names....anyways here are the songs i chose:(i dunnno which one the dj will choose so if you hear any of e songs below, keep a 'hear-out')
  1. 快乐崇拜 (潘玮柏)
  2. 我爱你 (S.H.E)
  3. 接受 (梁静茹)
  4. 你的微笑 (F.I.R.)
  5. 我也很想他 (孙燕姿)
  6. 欧若拉 (张韶涵)
  7. 倔强 (五月天)
  8. 离歌 (Tension)
  9. 当你孤单你会想起谁 (张栋梁)
  10. Shi1 Lian4 Biao1 Qian1 (Liu2 Zhong4 Yi2) (<-cant find e name)

oh! came across this on the net. dunno how true it is. it's about the weaknesses of guys, according to their horoscope. heh. i shan't say whether it's thrue for me. im a gemini!

1.牡羊座男生:揶揄刺激他。 牡羊座的男生經不起人家激,因此跟他吵架時用揶揄刺激的方法,例如你一定不行、你一定會生氣、你一定會怎樣怎樣…等等,盡量對牡羊男講反話刺激他,牡羊男就會中計。

2.金牛座男生:不哭但要有眼淚、裝可憐。 金牛座男生的邏輯中認為只有真的傷心才能打動他,因此跟金牛男吵架時不要哭鬧,只要默默的流下淚水,用傷心的眼神看著他,金牛男就會覺得對方是真的傷心而讓步。

3.雙子座男生:一哭他就心軟。 雙子座男生最怕女生掉眼淚,因此女生跟雙子男吵架只要哭泣就可以佔上風,而且雙子男很濫情,對方即使是假哭他也看不出來,就算是做做樣子雙子男也會很心疼。

4.巨蟹座男生:掌握他的財務狀況。 巨蟹座的男生平常做人很好,對同事朋友都很好,在眾人面前是好好先生,因此他很在乎別人對他的看法,所以跟巨蟹男吵架時可以用威脅透露有關他私下的一些不為人知的行為,例如:「你再不講理我就跟你同事講!」或「明天我就跟你老闆講讓你被開除!」…等等諸如此類讓巨蟹男有危機感而產生焦慮,他馬上就舉雙手投降。

5.獅子座男生:搬出父母親情攻勢。 獅子座很在乎家人,因此要吃定獅子男的第一要件就是要跟他家人相處的很好,尤其是他的父母,這點做到幾乎已經利於不敗之地了,另外獅子男如果給對方家人的印象很好時,這招也有效,因為獅子男很怕在對方家人的良好形象被破壞,這會讓他很堪尬。

6.處女座男生:威脅要自殺。 處女座的男生喜歡戲劇性的張力,如果對方是他很喜歡的對象,他會希望對方是在乎他的,因此當對方跟處女男吵架用自殺來威脅時反而會讓處女男心中有點小驕傲,對處女男來講吵架的目的是讓感情更好,所以當對方用這招他會覺得另一半是真的在乎他,於是情願讓步。

7.天秤座男生:翻那沒法改變的舊帳。 天秤座男生會對現任女友很好,他會希望盡量滿足對方,包括在乎不在乎,可是無法挽回的舊帳他卻無能為力,因此如果吵架時數落他以前對前女友有多好,可是現在他卻無法同樣做到的部分,這會讓天秤男不知所措,而且心中也會覺得很虧欠。

8.天蠍座男生:突然閉嘴不跟他吵、冷戰。 天蠍座認為真理是越辯越明的,他不怕吵,而且絕對不服輸想要求勝的意志非常強烈,可是對方吵到一半突然閉嘴不理他,而且很沉的住氣裝做沒這回事,接下來就會換天蠍男坐立不安了,他會忍不住想要搞清楚為什麼會這樣。

9.射手座男生:攤開證據不囉唆。 射手座男生說起謊來臉不紅氣不喘,因為他一定事先想好理由才去做的,所以所有事情在他的道德觀以及理念中都是合理的,他不會有罪惡感,即使有罪惡感,他也會想盡辦法瞞住對方或想好一套理由,因此一定要拿出真憑實據他才會認栽。

10.魔羯座男生:故意講歪裡。 魔羯座男生很講道理,如果硬跟他講歪理會讓他非常生氣,當他一生氣就會抓狂,心思一亂就會失了方寸原形畢露,變的很暴躁焦慮,相形之下對手如果越來越氣定神閒的話就贏了一半。

11.水瓶座男生:在人群中鬧大。 水瓶座很在意形象,跟他吵架時吵贏有一個撇步,那就是在公眾場合跟他吵架,人越多他越好,這時水瓶座一定會低頭,但是重點不能大吵大鬧,否則水瓶男會連哄都不哄頭都不回的就走了。

12.雙魚座男生:跟他講道理。 雙魚座男生很講道理,跟他吵架用吵鬧的方法沒有用,他會很冷靜,用一哭二鬧的方法會讓他想要遠離對方,因此對方一定要讓他清楚自己的頭腦是清楚的,用講道理的方法不但會讓雙魚男讓步,同是也讓雙魚男覺得對方是個可信賴的人。

jam scribbled at 8:52 AM



Thursday, February 24, 2005

wee~third post today! lol. first two posts were at my uncle's hse. anyways, was just thinking. a lot of times friends drift further and further away from each other because they're in different schools. or even just different classes. and become strangers over time because they talk less. even with such a thing as MSN. cause there's little or nothing to talk about! seldom do we get friends whom you feel absolutely at ease with. in fact, rarely. sometimes, even when you have a clique or a gang, you may even realise that prolly of all of them, maybe you cant find any whom you wont run out of topics to talk about with. i suppose im lucky that i have at least if you've found such a friend too...treasure him/her...

also, i just realised how lame the cartoons i watched last time were. especially POWER RANGERS! wow. if u have watched, you would realise that the monster will always stand aside and wait patiently for the rangers to crap a load of rubbish and morph into their battle forms. and the monsters are kind enough to step aside while the rangers' battle zords crawl their way out. the monster is not clever to realise that he could have squashed the rangers under his toe with his giant form. no, he doesnt. then whenever the megazord unleashes its ever-so-powerful sword attack, it usually signifies the end of the show. cause the monster will suddenly lose all its IQ and run towards the sword to be slashed. and when slashed, regardless of which monster it is, it will always turn one round then fall to the ground and die. how exciting!

also, pokemon also quite lame, though quite interesting and more chim then power rangers. but somehow ash, brock, misty (now replaced by may and her brother max) will always wait for team rocket to finish their 'prepare for trouble! make it double!' and so on. hahas. well, ttfn!

jam scribbled at 9:45 PM



just read eugene's (our senior class one) [have to specify since i know a few eugenes] blog entry on CNY. writing a bit here since he doesnt have a tagboard. haha. his entry made me think too. think back on how i was always happy and excited whenever CNY was approaching. how we would always go out visiting for many many days and sometimes after school. my parents would come and fetch me. how we always had reunion dinners together. of course now we still have reunion dinners together. but somehow not as fun as last time. i seem to have drifted away from my cousins. from paternal and maternal side.

still rmb one time i was having reunion dinner with my cousin one year older than me. then we stuffed all the things we didnt want to eat, like spring onions(especially spring onions) and ginger etc under the bowl. you know how most bowls have a small hollow part? we stuffed all the things there and it was real messy. there was some gravy too. then we thought nobody would know. then to our horror the waitress came to change plates and bowls then we got scolded by our parents when they found out. hahas.

also, i played with sparklers too! so fun. i would always bring a lot of sparklers to share with my cousins. den sometimes we played blackjack using 10cents or 5cents. hahas. anyways, going back to eugene's post. i agree with him...i suppose everyone's health will deteroriate when we become old, including those we love and care for. its part of life i suppose. all we can do is to show more concern. itsbut we should take care not to let it affect our studies. the person we love would like us to study well and live well too. once i let it affect me so much that my grades plunged. but it did me good too i suppose. i came to 4k. anyways. we shud learn to kan4 kai1. but i suppose im quite lucky that those around me right now are in the pink of health.

anyways still must say tt eugene's hair look better now. hahas. and was reading his post until quite serious then suddenly laugh. coz of the last part.
"the year of the golden rooster brings much prospects. and since some bird just shit on my dad's car, it looks to bring some luck as well. perhaps we shld try buying 4d. haha. happy new year everyone."
lol. just like eugene to write lame stuff lyk tt. hahas.

jam scribbled at 6:10 PM



wow. so results will be released on monday. what's my first thought?-cannot pon run
second thought-there'll be econs presentation in audi on mon.

im typing this load of rubbish at my uncle's house. this load of rubbish is not the only load of rubbish.

just browsed through the moe education booklet today. its great for updating us on the oh-so-frequently-changing local education system. so unfair. they never mention that you can take lep in jc. anyways they also never talk about aep and mep. except in secondary sch.

so sad. chinese from this year onwards will focus on"speaking, listening and reading." the changes now will also "reduce the character list, reduce emphasis on memorisation". this is to allow "weaker students to catch up." eh? how come we dont reduce the number of words for spelling in primary school? how come there are no changes to allow those weaker in english to "ketchup"? why? cause there is nobody weak in english in singapore. everyone are english experts and we spout perfectly fluent english. everyone will get A1 for english in secondary school. and get a for gp in jc. it is also extremely evident that singaporeans are so well-versed in english that we dont have to make changes to the system such that we can allow "weaker students to catch up." so sad.

anyway, of all the changes to chinese teaching, i think the greatest blow was to allow people to go to university with a d7. its funny how they are talking about trying to get teenagers to place emphasis and generate interest in chinese and yet they make this change.

picture this: a person is drowning in a pool and you see him. then you shout for help and wait for people to come. when you see someone running over to help, you throw a rock into the pool and hit the drowning guy and kill him.

the only small consolation i read in the booklet is that you can now opt to study HCL in primary school if you are good in chinese, even if you dont meet the mainstream criteria. and that schools can opt to teach more subjects in chinese. though not much people are probably going to care.

ha.ha.its so ironic. here we are struggling with our native tongue and there its said that in the future you can opt to study a third language if you want to in secondary school. we cant even cope with our own language and we are encouraged to pick up another. ha.ha.

im sick and tired of all those who say chinese sucks, theres no use for it and stuff. its ok if you are weak in it. but its not when you dont make an effort to improve and yet try to escape from reality by joining those who are trying to run away from the subject they are weak in. im also sick of those who tell me im wasting my time and i should take up sciences or computing so that i can earn big money next time. i can live in a big house, drive a big car, buy big things (ok maybe branded things), spend big money. its for your own good! they say.

i mean, if you depise your own language, that's your problem. you cant speak your native tongue. that's your problem. and you try to geh-kiang by escaping from your own language into the arms of another foreign language. that's your problem. what's worse is that the arms slap you in the face and tell you that you CMI in their language. that's your problem. but please dont come and tell me that im wasting my time and i should give up studying chinese since i can already do that cause i cant earn big bucks unless i study physics or go into engineering or computing. cause thats my problem. if you think im wasting my time, so be it. laugh lah.

i cant make it big by studying chinese? at least look at your own son first please.

jam scribbled at 5:23 PM



Notification of Release of 2004 GCE O-Level Examination Results/ 2005 Joint Admissions Exercise
1 The results of the 2004 Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level Examination will be released on Monday, 28 February 2005.
2 School candidates may collect their results from their schools at 2.00pm on 28 February 2005.

jam scribbled at 5:21 PM



Monday, February 21, 2005

yays~got my new specs and contacts today. then learnt how to wear contacts. hahas. quite fun but yet quite scary. seems quite difficult. then i was quite nervous cause i was wondering whether the optician was fed up with me not. then when i finally managed to put on and take out both lenses then he asked me whether it was diffcult. then i said yes. then he said:

"difficult ah! no lah. some people one hour also havent put in!"

that was when i heaved a sigh of relief. lol. at least i not v lan. took 15min to complete everything. yeah! but take out that time feels like the lens is trying to suck out my eyeball together with it. erps.

then i went to cut my hair. luckily the queue wasnt very long. i think the person who cut my hair is a n00b la. first time or newbie. so suay. luckily my hair wasnt spoilt. then today i 'let my hair down' cause im goin to cut hair. nobody would put gel on their hair and go for haircut right??!? then some people (like janice and samuel) commented that i cut my hair. ---___--- then some people said i looked nicer without gel. walao! last time i nv put den leave it like that then some people say very messy and untidy. T__T wadeva. i decided to cut it anyways cause i dont really like having sideburns. =P

then spent the rest of the afternoon (and evening) putting in and taking out contacts. hahas. must practice so that can become pro. once i spent half an hour trying to take out one lens! horrible. and the optician said that taking out was easier than putting in. dunno...maybe ba. when i get used to it.

then i bought an album! so long never buy. the last time was SHE's encore. this time bought a collection de. decided for it after pondering between it and zhang dong liang's. then i think this one more worth it. cause nicholas' album i only like three songs. (actually those are the only 3 songs i heard before....) the first three zhu3 da3. then the 'tan2 qing2 shuo1 ai4' collection have more songs that i like. e.g.:

YU4 JIAN4!!!! (stef sun) (same surname as me!!! wah.)
wo3 bu4 nan2 guo4 (stef sun)
huang2 hun1 (zhou1 chuan2 xiong2)
wu2 di3 dong4 (tanya chua)
ai4 yao4 tan3 dang1 dang1 (xiao1 xiao1)
xi3 huan1 ni3 (kit chan)
yong3 gan3 (zhang1 hui4 mei4)
and etc etc....about 12 to 13 out of 30. hahas.

then got a shock because while listening to XGJY, suddenly heard a dedication letter from jeremy. sia dao. thought i wrote wrong date....supposed to be next monday! i sent in a class dedication thingy. so tune in to 933FM on 28th feb okay? the program lasts from 845-11pm. hope my letter gets read out. hahas. anyways theres the new dj today. called kun1 hua2. so jealous! hahas. he's younger than 20 and he can be a dj! so gd. nvm. i have two other ambitions to fall back on. =P kun1 hua2 sounds not bad. not the name la. maybe he'll become popular like junli oso. erps.

jam scribbled at 9:27 PM



Sunday, February 20, 2005

quote of the day--
janice: KFC chickens are GM, so they have a lot of wings so that you can get a lot of wings from one chicken.
eugene: so next time chickens wont have backside cause nobody wants to eat chicken backside(s).

lol @ qotd. why eugene always so cold and crap? lol. but he's very funny. apparently i think only i heard this remark of his because nobody responded to it.


janie~why you never go jts in afternoon??? i wore the shirt you gave me lah. its super nice =D and LOL. 6 chicks. chicks very cute. but i suppose adult chickens' shitting habits are the same as young chickens.(so are the quantity of shit) lol. green shit? you scare them until have green shit izzit? -_- actually i think last time the white hen also have some green shit. i suppose it was scared because the white chicken wanderer wandered to an unknown place--my house. then again maybe it was because i fed it cabbage and some other green vegetables. LOL. ok not funny. i couldnt find worms. rather, i couldnt bring myself to do it...

PJ~why you never go also in afternoon....sad. i wanted to give you something i bought from jjc yesterday...nvm. i shall give tml =D

jts was -quite- fun today. we played treasure hunt, musical chairs and mahjong. MUSICAL CHAIRS! wow. i think i super pro. last time lep orientation i play until win lah. some more win mostly girls. erps. heng never lose. last time was quite pressurized cause the two lep seniors kept telling me i was the only guy left so must buck up. some more they so jian4 play the FIR songs that i like super much. ni3 de4 wei1 xiao4. lydia. (and a few others i think. maybe fly away, guang1 mang2)

then i was trying not to sing along otherwise cant concentrate. anyways. the musical chairs IS SUPER UNFAIR! i didnt lose lah. then paul/janice dun want to get up. anyway they dunnid to get up de. 5 of us were sitting comfortably in the sofa meant for 4. coz me, paul, sze xiong and janice have such slim and perfect figures. eh? 4 people. i left out one. orh! the one without slim and perfect figure. guess who? JINGREN! muahahas. then nobody wanted tog et out so zuohou did a eenie meenie thingy that lasted for four syllables THEN I WAS IN THE FOURTH POSITION! y cant add one more syllable. hmph. but.

no need to worry. why? coz i super li hai at cai quan. then the loser (among those who dont have seats) have to jump into the pool. heng i dont have. wanted to go down in pool actually but going off soon so didnt want to. anyways i swam today morning...

ah!! my father gave the kitten to a malay family. cause malays generally like cats. sigh~~~ was hoping he couldnt find any families so that can let kitty stay a bit longer. but a bit selfish cause would be depriving kitty of proper care =P but its face look similar to tiger' maybe quite fierce when it grows up =P sigh. next time when i grow up and live on my own i will surely buy a pet. most probably a hamster or a puppy. cause i heard cats quite lazy and unresponsive. though kittens are cute.but no fish for more. fish are very sian. they swim around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and swim until they die. no fun one. puppies can learn to respond and like you. i dunno about kittens. hamsters are super cute though they are inclined to eat their own babies.

jam scribbled at 9:16 PM



Saturday, February 19, 2005

AH!!!!!!!!! i just brought home a little kitten! i brought it home because it was on the road and my father almost knocked it down. luckily he saw and stopped in time....then we brought it home. it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! i think it's only a few weeks old. cause it doesnt know how to drink milk yet. so i have to feed it. at first it was very scared and kept mewing nonstop. then it drank some milk(some=1 tablespoon of milk) then it stopped mewing. and stopped drinking. then its in a box now. sigh~~~~my parents surely wont allow me to keep it. just like a few years back.

last time was even more funny. i think happened when i was sec 2 ba. then when i opened the door in the morning i saw a white chicken walking aimlessly around and giving an occasional few squawks. haha!! it was qutie cute la. but i found it more funny than cute. coz in cartoons normally chickens are very stupid. especially hens. it was a hen. then we kept it outside in a huge box for a few days. then released it eventually. cause it was SUPER SMELLY!! it kept shitting like there's no tomorrow for it to shit. hahas. i was hoping it would lay an egg but it didnt =( anyways the kitten is asleep now. i think it is still suffering from shock because it has spasms every few minutes...poor thing.

jam scribbled at 10:38 PM



Thursday, February 17, 2005

i feel like changing the skin of my blog but i cant bear to change it! put quite a lot of effort editing the raw skin...should i change?.....

jam scribbled at 6:03 PM



i feel really guilty now. and very bad. the impact of realization hit me in the face during PW today.(actually was yesterday night but i didnt have enough time left to do anything about it. then it came back to me again during PW) and i was itching to throw everything out. that's why i went home immediately after econs tutorial today and started typing this.

i haven't been a good enough friend. i talk about friendships deteriorating and here i am not making an effort to sustain it. i promise i shall remember all my good friends in tchs and continue to send them birthday greetings on their birthdays. last time gave presents but a bit difficult for those in different jcs. sigh. why cant all my good friends concentrate in one jc? with me of course. because life is unfair. and there will always come a time when people say their goodbyes. that's why i have my new class now. but sometimes i realise it is really so easy to neglect your good friends, especially when they're in different jcs. those who have made my life easier (maybe without knowing it themselves), those who have helped me academically/mentally to come to where i am now. (HCI) i was getting like L1R5 of 14 during common tests but luckily managed to scrape through prelimns and get into HC with a 10.
(not in order of....merit?)

benteo(in the last few months of

thanks all of you. if i did not reply nicely to you, ignored you (i never delete or block any 4K-ers and never will) on msn, please pardon me. i might be really rushing an assignment, feel reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally down on that day (cause normally i am a very optimistic person, though DJ thinks otherwise =P). i shall try to visit all of your blogs consistently(those who have) because i think it is a good way to keep in contact. like, you understand the person better even though you are not talking to him/her. in this case, him(s).

i feel guilty because yesterday night i just read in detail one of my friends' blog. sometimes i read parts of it or just go to tag. i realised, upon reading, that actually i havent --i forgot the word all of a sudden--(fulfilled?) my responsibility as a friend. he has problems of his own and actually mentioned it briefly to me (just touch and go) while we were having a heart-to-heart chat on MSN. i feel really bad because i didnt really take him very seriously then. maybe it was because my impression of him was that he was always quite crappy, very funny and cold. so i didnt really know when he was serious and when he wasnt. i suppose all the 'crappiness', 'funniness' and lameness was just a front. or maybe not. i dont know. sometimes i really wish i could read into others' minds. thats why i aspire to study psychology, besides working in the chinese media world. (prefably a DJ. not duojie.) i remember that he was one of my first good friends in 3K. he led me to know the rest of the 'gang' and mix around with them. he made me feel welcome to a class filled mostly by 2J-ers. and my upper sec class 3K4K then showed me what class unity really was. showed me how my lower sec class 1B2K(both the same class) proved quite inferior and disintegrated compared to upper sec.

im not saying that my 1B2K classmates are inferior. just the class unity part. i mean, i still talk to some of them. just that the other some are like strangers. we dont even say hi. it is really very sad.

if you are by any chance reading this.

sorry, xiuming.

jam scribbled at 4:54 PM



Wednesday, February 16, 2005

quote of the day--
"is the minister coming?"--shaoning

splendid! intelligent remark. after ms lee said pretend that we were presenting to the minister..hahas. ok i shall stop niao-ing shaoning.

jam scribbled at 9:50 PM



Tuesday, February 15, 2005

quote of the day--

ah! i always remember a quote of the day but forget it when i sit down to start blogging. -_- nvm. anyways. fish's concert is here on 5th of march! ah. but i not going to go. but think it should be fun. cause fish's songs are all K-songs which means people like to sing de. then everyone would be singing with her! so cool! but anyways. i would go for wilber's only i guess. or maybe. m.a.y.b.e. SHE one. though i like SHE a lot, but SHE has too many fans. surely squeeze until i die. then i didnt want to go for the wilber's concert held here last year cause there was the zhang shan wei. dont -really- like him. ok, make that -really- dont like him. anyways. fishie rocks! her songs are verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice. ttfn~

jam scribbled at 9:39 PM



Monday, February 14, 2005

quote of the day--
'my happiest valentine was the year when i was married...cause thats when i became a qing2 fu4!'--mediacorp artiste quan yi feng. ha.haha.hahaha. so funny.

yays! happy valentines day to everyone! and thankew for e wonderful gifts...especially from my angel and mortal! a glass, chocolates and a converse t-shirt! yays. and the small thingies from the girls of 05s62. feel so bad that us guys only gave u all a card each...hahas. maybe u all wait until next yr ba. =P
ah!! econs project how? die liaoz.

jam scribbled at 9:45 PM



Sunday, February 13, 2005

ah! i havent finished my homework. think i'll finish it today....when i come back from so guai1 this year! didnt gamble so far =) hahas. i think im going to change my specs. my mom refuses to let me have contacts. argh. nvm.
this year my mom's side has a lot more babies..mostly 2nd child...and next year should have too! cause there were like 5 or 6 marriages last year! omg. then the babies are so cute =D some who have grown up are very adorable also!! they would walk around holding new year goodies and offer them to you. they look funny because due to their small size, they normally hug the bottle of ba gua or sweets...hahas. sooooo cuuuuuuuuute!!! i love small kids and babies.
come to think of it, i did gamble! on the first day. with 3 of my nieces and 1 of my nephews. but they were like gambling with chocolate coins -_-' so i just joined them. hahas. bought a new bag! dunno whether i should replace my schoolbag with it..

jam scribbled at 10:01 AM



Thursday, February 10, 2005

haiz...i cant go on sat class outing/farewell party cause there's this housewarming thing at my mom's nephew's house.(who has just married off a daughter and i'm his children's uncle x_x) and my parents said we go their house only on sat so that don't have to make two trips. and they refuse to let me gooooooooooooooooooo. sobz. hopefully they change their mind tomorrow...

anyways. it feels wierd getting angpows from your nephew/niece. erps. it happens cause some of my mom's nephews/nieces are older than her. so some of my nephews/nieces would be older than me too. if i drew out the family tree it would take a very long time...

jam scribbled at 9:13 PM



yays! cny! cny! it's always great to catch up with long-time-no-see relatives and cousins etc. and receiving red packets! hahas. it's great for me cause during the rest of the year, i seldom get so much money to spend freely. but during cny i get to keep some of my angpow $! thankfully my mother has a verrrrrry large extended family =P erps. no lahz. made a wishlist of what to spend it on already. erps. havent done any homework yet. ah!

and just a reminder that v-day is on monday! so don't forget to buy your presents...

jam scribbled at 9:08 AM



Sunday, February 06, 2005

quote of the day--
eugene: the bowl so small how to eat(ice-cream)??
jingmin: -stare- you're not supposed to eat the bowl!

erp erp.

anyways, the amazing race was fun! although we wasted a lot of time at fort canning -_-' firstly we had to play broken telephone. at jingmin's house. of which we emerged first!! yay!! i can still remember it. when raffles went to town to club he saw his friend malcolm between joseph and a chinese girl (or is it joseph then malcolm??) ok i take that back...i cant remember =P

next stop. what was our next stop?? o yah. park. then we played this lame kissing game! then you had to kiss a blindfolded person in your group and he would identify who it was. then you had to get 5 guesses consecutively right to pass. then beekee chose terence. i think it was on purpose. so evil! janice was the only girl in zuohou's group and she chose janice. then i cheated a bit by using my nose to touch terence's cheek instead. hahas. should i reveal how our group got through? better not. anyways, our group passed on the first attempt because we are super zhai!

third stop. fort canning hill. that was a killer. basically you had to walk round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round the park to find ivan. ivan was also very mean because he saw our group walk past but he didnt make any noise. then naga's group bluffed my group and julian's group by saying that they found the station already. how childish! of course we didnt fall for it. we just carried on walking in they direction they said to prove that they were lying....

anyways in the end we found ivan who gave us a clue about the place where married men used to hang out or something. then it was so obvious that it was the place where married soldiers lived. (it was indicated on the map) then we found richard and humoured him by singing twinkle twinkle little star while passing stones around.

next stop, ngee ann city! peijun was so clever!!! "ohff boo d juz" also can manage to translate to ngee ann city...*claps* then we(or rather elaine and pj) had to go and count the number or cubicles and sinks(izzit cubicles and sinks? maybe something else) in the most crowded toilet of wisma. i think the "most crowded" part is to make our lives difficult when counting. tehn we had to choose between hugging people or doing a performance of song and dance and attract at least a curious passer-by for 10secs. of course we chose hugging. so easy. just use two hands and you wont get people laughing at you dance and sing yourself silly. then we had to ask a few people. all of us hugged a guy, then elaine and pj hugged two girls each two times and three times i think. i'm doing this from memory. then elaine kissed a girl with very very very thick make-up. yay! mission accomplished. then we next had to(still in ngee ann city) take photo with a book. we got chased out by the kinokuniya staff lah! first time the cashier told us that we could not take photos inside. or rather photos of books. then (i guess we were a bit dumb...lols) we took the book and terence said loudly that we should buy the book then we walked like 2metres away where we thought nobody would see and continued taking photos. then there was this female staff who stormed up to us and said firmly 'sorry no taking of photographs here' then snatched the book out of our hands. i hope the book gets damaged in the process of snatching. as if the book will lose a few pages by taking photographs with us. hmph. anyways we got the next clue but we must fill in the blank. then the sentence goes: colgate 12 hour ___ fee. so its protection.

next, we went to lucky plaza in front of the condoms shop. then poor terence was chosen to do something. that something was to go up to ask people whether he was sexy and we needed 5 people to say yes to pass. it was quite easy lah. with terence's looks. *cough cough* hahas. then i shall stop for now coz i have no time left!!! ah! buaiz.

oh ya. i want to say that my group is super zhai! because we have super people.
they are:

-jeremy (aka me)

yays. so nice.

jam scribbled at 9:22 PM



Saturday, February 05, 2005

arghz. why do i always end up doing the wrong things?......

jam scribbled at 10:01 PM



what is the world coming to?? did you know? moe has reduced the primary school+secondary school chinese syllabus by 10-15%. P6 syllabus has been reduced by 61%!
this is super ridiculous. it's unaccounted for, it's unfair to all the students. at least for chinese 'b' syllabus pupils could choose. if they really could not cope then they could opt to go an easier route. but now everyone's syllabus has been cut, no matter whether you excelled in chinese or did poorly. it will no doubt decrease the already-very-very-low chinese standards in singapore. this is really really very absurd.

those who are weak in chinese will just be happy that their lives has been made easier although their chinese will be weaker. those who are strong in chinese, some of them will start to relax because the syllabus is like too easy for them then their chinese will deterioate also. it's unfair to most of them because they are deprived of the chance to learn more. do we really need to cut the syllabus by so much? 61%? is it really neccessary? the reason given was that a simpler syllabus will make lessons easier and hence more interesting. how TRUE. simpler syllabus makes the lessons more relaxed and at a slower pace but definitely would not invoke the students' interest just because the subject has been made easier. in fact it will cause students to lose interest. why can't the in-charge realise that our chinese standards are really at an incredible low level? do you ever hear of england holding speak good english campaigns? why do we need speak chinese campaigns?

it is claimed that the extra time from the reduced syllabus will be used to teach composition and oral skills. how are the pupils going to use the words for oral or compo-writing when they dont even learn it in the first place??

also, with the continual decrease in chinese standards, and the frequent changes on the syllabus, where are we going to find suitable people to work in the chinese media next time? can we just wholly rely on PRCs? i think it is still best for singaporeans to work in the local media. also i noticed one thing. why is it that those who read the straits times often cannot/do not read zaobao but those who read zaobao read straits times also? its not about being cheena. have you seen amercians or english laughing at their own people for being english-y or something? no! so why are we doing that? it's ridiculous. not to mention that you only need a D7 for chinese to enter the U. how difficult that is!! hmph.

jam scribbled at 3:14 PM



Friday, February 04, 2005

why am i always like that? i hate it. it's not like i didnt try. the same old feeling is coming back again..

anyways. the amazing race is coming real soon. two days' time. sort of looking forward to it. hope i get a good group...=P

jam scribbled at 9:15 PM



Thursday, February 03, 2005

hmmz we shud actually have a 4K reunion dinner that we would not start to forget each other already. i hope we still remember everyone's names when we go back to collect our results =S i can feel our friendships deteriorating already...its very sad. friendships built over two years can just diminish like that when we lose contact for a few months. it's very difficult to chat online too as its hard to find common topics. so we should have these kind of get-togethers to sustain friendships. of course a birthday card or two would help your friend to remember you....but just for a while. and it depends on whether people come in order for the gatherings to work. haiz. i count myself lucky i have a few friendships of long history...hahas. 11years, 9 years, 6 years, 4 years, 2 years and still counting...yays~ friends forever! wee!

jam scribbled at 9:10 PM



quote of e day--
"if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." miss lock, our econs tutor.

i think the quote is very meaningful! and very true too. got a bit of shock when i heard miss lock say it...mainly because it's one of those erm...phrases? sayings. which play around on words. and often turn out to be quite true or funny. like "nothing left in your right brain, nothing right in your left brain." hahas~
sigh...i think we're going to hand up our blog just like that after all. its hard to go about doing stuff when only a few people are enthu about it and the others are either really too busy or they are not very enthu about it. especially when those enthu people have to rely on =P anyways, i dont think our class blog is that bad lah. just maybe...well....not good enough to win. hahas. but i've only seen one class blog lah. maybe i just happened to see the best one. =p well, everything shun4 qi2 zi4 ran2 ba.

just finished reading 'Junk Male' by Brian Gallagher. it was quite funny, but it makes the reader(me) sympathise with one of the main characters, joel quite often. he was quite poor thing...having being so very unlucky and bullied by his good friend. anyways i seem to get hooked onto another genre of books other than mystery and fantasy not really sure what the genre is called but the story revolves around a person who has some ups and downs in talking about relationships....and the problems and how he finally came to resolve it. hahas...i know its very vague. anyways, CNY is coming so soon! and valentine's too. i cant wait to give my prezzie to my angel+mortal. muahahahahas~

jam scribbled at 8:23 PM



Wednesday, February 02, 2005

quote of the day--
"myth: only kids watch kids central"

haha! saw this advertisement on channel 5 while watching charmed today. think it's so true lah. hahas...yays~ charmed is so nice! season finale. so exciting. although it's the happily-ever-after thing again, but i still enjoyed it! that's why i like finales. the plot thickens and becomes really exciting and then suddenly everything turns out nicely...hahas. so tired now...i really think we should be nicer to our tutors...can see that they are frequently trying not to be angry...=p

we have 2 days left. for submission of class blog.

jam scribbled at 9:58 PM



Tuesday, February 01, 2005

its 1st of feb today! time really passes so fast. it's been about a month since our class got together. still remember clearly how those 4K who came to HCI met at the bus stop on the first day of school. was really nervous then. hahas. now a month has passed! it seems just a few days ago when we were still painting the class flag at school. soon in about a month's time we are going to get back our O level results...i look forward to it yet feel nervous at the same time..lols.

today during my two free periods i was slacking around with paul jingren zuohou and co. then we were doing really lame things lah. like going to scribble graffiti on the CNY board. now our names are there! and the super-duper class 62. muahahahahhas. then we played TABLE SOCCER! we(rather, zuohou) came up with a super fun way of playing lah! each person just grab hold of a......a......what you call that? stick? and spin! then see whose can spin the longest. hahas. super lame.

my fridge has broken down. but nobody believes me.

jam scribbled at 9:04 PM

