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Sunday, February 27, 2005

hmmz. i went kbox 2-7 yesterday. so fun~!! a lot of new songs. esp stef sun songs =D and SHE songs. too bad pan wei bo only has one more new song other than wuha and kuai le chong bai.

anyways. i feel so tired recently. exhausted from all the events and going-ons. sick of almost everything happening around me. i just feel like i want a peaceful day at home, sitting down to rot. pardon me.

the so-called 'first three months' are ending soon. these two months have really opened my eyes to everything. seen a lot of people will behave under a completely new environment. how they try to adapt. some people try very hard. some present their original, true-blue genuine self. some lose their original self in the process of trying desperately to fit into the new environment. they act. put on a show...may it be act cool, seh, cute, man, muggy, slacky. of course, some people are born with the seh-ness, coolness, cuteness, manliness, mugginess and slackiness. but whatever it is, i observe, i learn, i zip. dont comment on anything(though i am sort of doing that now), dont get into trouble. im glad that some of us havent hid behind a mask of deception (hey who wants to watch son of the mask?). and i try hard to be genuine to others...i cant say for sure that i havent committed the same mistakes as others too.

so. although we always have to learn to fit into whatever environment that we are in and not the other way round, but we should not lose ourselves in the process. i always believe that we shouldnt change our preferences, our likings, habits, hobbies just because others dont share yours. we should not change ourselves for the sake of others. of course, unless your habits, hobbies etc are of a negative nature.

what im trying to say is, people change. we have to accept it.

ok sorry for typing the load of crap above.
all 4k-ers and 05s62+04s62, please tune in to 933fm tomorrow at around 845pm, the programme lasts until 11pm. i dont know whether my letter will be read dont kill me if u have wasted your 2 hrs =P and i wrote a lot of names so the dj might not read some names....anyways here are the songs i chose:(i dunnno which one the dj will choose so if you hear any of e songs below, keep a 'hear-out')
  1. 快乐崇拜 (潘玮柏)
  2. 我爱你 (S.H.E)
  3. 接受 (梁静茹)
  4. 你的微笑 (F.I.R.)
  5. 我也很想他 (孙燕姿)
  6. 欧若拉 (张韶涵)
  7. 倔强 (五月天)
  8. 离歌 (Tension)
  9. 当你孤单你会想起谁 (张栋梁)
  10. Shi1 Lian4 Biao1 Qian1 (Liu2 Zhong4 Yi2) (<-cant find e name)

oh! came across this on the net. dunno how true it is. it's about the weaknesses of guys, according to their horoscope. heh. i shan't say whether it's thrue for me. im a gemini!

1.牡羊座男生:揶揄刺激他。 牡羊座的男生經不起人家激,因此跟他吵架時用揶揄刺激的方法,例如你一定不行、你一定會生氣、你一定會怎樣怎樣…等等,盡量對牡羊男講反話刺激他,牡羊男就會中計。

2.金牛座男生:不哭但要有眼淚、裝可憐。 金牛座男生的邏輯中認為只有真的傷心才能打動他,因此跟金牛男吵架時不要哭鬧,只要默默的流下淚水,用傷心的眼神看著他,金牛男就會覺得對方是真的傷心而讓步。

3.雙子座男生:一哭他就心軟。 雙子座男生最怕女生掉眼淚,因此女生跟雙子男吵架只要哭泣就可以佔上風,而且雙子男很濫情,對方即使是假哭他也看不出來,就算是做做樣子雙子男也會很心疼。

4.巨蟹座男生:掌握他的財務狀況。 巨蟹座的男生平常做人很好,對同事朋友都很好,在眾人面前是好好先生,因此他很在乎別人對他的看法,所以跟巨蟹男吵架時可以用威脅透露有關他私下的一些不為人知的行為,例如:「你再不講理我就跟你同事講!」或「明天我就跟你老闆講讓你被開除!」…等等諸如此類讓巨蟹男有危機感而產生焦慮,他馬上就舉雙手投降。

5.獅子座男生:搬出父母親情攻勢。 獅子座很在乎家人,因此要吃定獅子男的第一要件就是要跟他家人相處的很好,尤其是他的父母,這點做到幾乎已經利於不敗之地了,另外獅子男如果給對方家人的印象很好時,這招也有效,因為獅子男很怕在對方家人的良好形象被破壞,這會讓他很堪尬。

6.處女座男生:威脅要自殺。 處女座的男生喜歡戲劇性的張力,如果對方是他很喜歡的對象,他會希望對方是在乎他的,因此當對方跟處女男吵架用自殺來威脅時反而會讓處女男心中有點小驕傲,對處女男來講吵架的目的是讓感情更好,所以當對方用這招他會覺得另一半是真的在乎他,於是情願讓步。

7.天秤座男生:翻那沒法改變的舊帳。 天秤座男生會對現任女友很好,他會希望盡量滿足對方,包括在乎不在乎,可是無法挽回的舊帳他卻無能為力,因此如果吵架時數落他以前對前女友有多好,可是現在他卻無法同樣做到的部分,這會讓天秤男不知所措,而且心中也會覺得很虧欠。

8.天蠍座男生:突然閉嘴不跟他吵、冷戰。 天蠍座認為真理是越辯越明的,他不怕吵,而且絕對不服輸想要求勝的意志非常強烈,可是對方吵到一半突然閉嘴不理他,而且很沉的住氣裝做沒這回事,接下來就會換天蠍男坐立不安了,他會忍不住想要搞清楚為什麼會這樣。

9.射手座男生:攤開證據不囉唆。 射手座男生說起謊來臉不紅氣不喘,因為他一定事先想好理由才去做的,所以所有事情在他的道德觀以及理念中都是合理的,他不會有罪惡感,即使有罪惡感,他也會想盡辦法瞞住對方或想好一套理由,因此一定要拿出真憑實據他才會認栽。

10.魔羯座男生:故意講歪裡。 魔羯座男生很講道理,如果硬跟他講歪理會讓他非常生氣,當他一生氣就會抓狂,心思一亂就會失了方寸原形畢露,變的很暴躁焦慮,相形之下對手如果越來越氣定神閒的話就贏了一半。

11.水瓶座男生:在人群中鬧大。 水瓶座很在意形象,跟他吵架時吵贏有一個撇步,那就是在公眾場合跟他吵架,人越多他越好,這時水瓶座一定會低頭,但是重點不能大吵大鬧,否則水瓶男會連哄都不哄頭都不回的就走了。

12.雙魚座男生:跟他講道理。 雙魚座男生很講道理,跟他吵架用吵鬧的方法沒有用,他會很冷靜,用一哭二鬧的方法會讓他想要遠離對方,因此對方一定要讓他清楚自己的頭腦是清楚的,用講道理的方法不但會讓雙魚男讓步,同是也讓雙魚男覺得對方是個可信賴的人。

jam scribbled at 8:52 AM



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