Thursday, August 17, 2006
Monday, the school fire alarm (bell?) went off by accident. At first even the lecturer didn't know what to do...I suppose everyone's first thought would be: false alarm. Although it was really a false alarm in the end, think it's funny how we suspect the bell when there isn't a pre-informed fire drill session. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the fire drill altogether? It's supposed to keep us prepared in case an emergency happens...yet it turns out that now we don't trust the bell unless we have been told that there will be a drill. What happens when there is a real fire? hmm. Then people will say that it will never happen. But some things always happen at the most unexpected time, don't they? (anyway there was about 3000+ fire incidents last year in SG)
Anyway, there was this really lame announcement about selling ice-cream for CIP. Think it was quite dumb for the people to be making sexual innuendos on the bridge in front of all the teachers and such. At least they could be more subtle if they wanted -_- fund-raising is sort of a meaningful activity...they should not have tried to make such linkless links lor. In the end got stopped midsentence by the vp. Hah. Mrs Chin stopped the girl in time coz I think the next word she was going to say would be another sexual reference...coz she was stopped at "and we will give you.."
jam scribbled at 6:44 PM
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