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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
jam scribbled at 8:10 PM 0 comments >>> Friday, August 25, 2006 从今以後不再垂头丧气走开 所有人的期待让我站起来甩掉了阻碍 冲劲全打开 我终于明白Fly 尽全力才飞起来没有後悔不後退 我让你刮目相看Just fly 向世界证明我存在努力过的汗水 不断灌溉美好未来 jam scribbled at 11:22 PM 0 comments >>> Today marks the end of official tutorial lessons for us. Haiz. Can't help but feel sad...2 years is such a short time. Just when I was really starting to like the rest of the class..our journey is ending. Saying goodbye is always one of the hardest things. Although today zuohou said he hope the class will remain in contact...but I have this uneasy feeling that it's one thing to say but another thing to do. Often...after you separate from your classmates...its hard to maintain the relationship at the level both of you once were at. Coz most probably you all would be leading different lives...walking a different way. There's no common topic. All too often you would be too busy to keep in touch with him/her. Everytime I move on..there's always someone that you were once close with but as time passes you find it hard to initiate a conversation simply because you've been out of touch too long. That's why I was grateful when some of my ex-classmates got posted into the same jc class as me. Even more grateful when they remained after the march slaughter...people like yz. haha.(some got posted out) So I hope the class will really keep in touch with each other this time. Like ms neo said..let the magic of 05s62 continue on =)I'm feeling sentimental again! Maybe I'll write to dedicate a song on XGJY again. haha. jam scribbled at 10:18 PM 0 comments >>> Thursday, August 17, 2006 Monday, the school fire alarm (bell?) went off by accident. At first even the lecturer didn't know what to do...I suppose everyone's first thought would be: false alarm. Although it was really a false alarm in the end, think it's funny how we suspect the bell when there isn't a pre-informed fire drill session. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the fire drill altogether? It's supposed to keep us prepared in case an emergency happens...yet it turns out that now we don't trust the bell unless we have been told that there will be a drill. What happens when there is a real fire? hmm. Then people will say that it will never happen. But some things always happen at the most unexpected time, don't they? (anyway there was about 3000+ fire incidents last year in SG)Anyway, there was this really lame announcement about selling ice-cream for CIP. Think it was quite dumb for the people to be making sexual innuendos on the bridge in front of all the teachers and such. At least they could be more subtle if they wanted -_- fund-raising is sort of a meaningful activity...they should not have tried to make such linkless links lor. In the end got stopped midsentence by the vp. Hah. Mrs Chin stopped the girl in time coz I think the next word she was going to say would be another sexual reference...coz she was stopped at "and we will give you.." jam scribbled at 6:44 PM 0 comments >>> Friday, August 11, 2006 Great, blogger just played me up again. I typed a whole chunk of post and it just had to give me an error page. Rawr. Anyway. How did you spend your Nat Day hols? I went to watch the fireworks display on tues with Yuzhong, Xiuming and Yu Ming...they were really nice. (I didnt mean the people =x) Though we had to squeeze like hell with half the Singapore population there. To make it worse, some guy behind us started lighting a cigarette there. Was he trying to choke us to death or what...smoking among so many people. Then came this power grandma with her bunch of grandkids who bulldozed through the crowd to get to the front. Power grandma and her bunch of kids stampeded past YZ and he was darn pissed with them. When she was about to rampage through XM and I, I stood in front of her, blocking the mighty grandma's way. She stood behind me sadly and proclaimed loudly, 'so sad, here cannot get good view. let's bulldoze another direction.' And off she went. So rude la.Anyway. when the fireworks started, all the perspiration and waiting in the stuffy place was worth it. It was the best display of fireworks I had ever seen, and it's not those childplay you see on TV. The fireworks were really huge and shot really high into the sky. They lit up the night sky, but were gone in a flash. Think they're like all the good things in life. They don't have to last forever, just enjoy the moment while they last. That's why half the SG population, along with us, were willing to spend 3hrs+ travelling back and forth to watch 15mins worth of fireworks. Coz after the whole thing, the roads jam like siao -_- jam scribbled at 8:52 PM 0 comments >>> Wednesday, August 02, 2006 一个像夏天 一个像秋天第一次见面看你不太顺眼谁知道后来关系那么密切我们一个像夏天 一个像秋天却总能把冬天变成了春天你拖我离开一场爱的风雪我背你逃出一次梦的断裂遇见一个人然后生命全改变原来不是恋爱才有的情节如果不是你我不会相信朋友比情人还死心塌地就算我忙恋爱把你冷冻结冰你也不会恨我只是骂我几句如果不是你我不会确定朋友比情人更懂得倾听我的弦外之音我的有口无心我离不开darling更离不开你你了解我所有得意的东西才常泼我冷水怕我忘形你知道我所有丢脸的事情却为我的美好形象保密 jam scribbled at 8:55 PM 0 comments >>>
Friday, August 25, 2006
jam scribbled at 11:22 PM 0 comments >>> Today marks the end of official tutorial lessons for us. Haiz. Can't help but feel sad...2 years is such a short time. Just when I was really starting to like the rest of the class..our journey is ending. Saying goodbye is always one of the hardest things. Although today zuohou said he hope the class will remain in contact...but I have this uneasy feeling that it's one thing to say but another thing to do. Often...after you separate from your classmates...its hard to maintain the relationship at the level both of you once were at. Coz most probably you all would be leading different lives...walking a different way. There's no common topic. All too often you would be too busy to keep in touch with him/her. Everytime I move on..there's always someone that you were once close with but as time passes you find it hard to initiate a conversation simply because you've been out of touch too long. That's why I was grateful when some of my ex-classmates got posted into the same jc class as me. Even more grateful when they remained after the march slaughter...people like yz. haha.(some got posted out) So I hope the class will really keep in touch with each other this time. Like ms neo said..let the magic of 05s62 continue on =)I'm feeling sentimental again! Maybe I'll write to dedicate a song on XGJY again. haha. jam scribbled at 10:18 PM 0 comments >>> Thursday, August 17, 2006 Monday, the school fire alarm (bell?) went off by accident. At first even the lecturer didn't know what to do...I suppose everyone's first thought would be: false alarm. Although it was really a false alarm in the end, think it's funny how we suspect the bell when there isn't a pre-informed fire drill session. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the fire drill altogether? It's supposed to keep us prepared in case an emergency happens...yet it turns out that now we don't trust the bell unless we have been told that there will be a drill. What happens when there is a real fire? hmm. Then people will say that it will never happen. But some things always happen at the most unexpected time, don't they? (anyway there was about 3000+ fire incidents last year in SG)Anyway, there was this really lame announcement about selling ice-cream for CIP. Think it was quite dumb for the people to be making sexual innuendos on the bridge in front of all the teachers and such. At least they could be more subtle if they wanted -_- fund-raising is sort of a meaningful activity...they should not have tried to make such linkless links lor. In the end got stopped midsentence by the vp. Hah. Mrs Chin stopped the girl in time coz I think the next word she was going to say would be another sexual reference...coz she was stopped at "and we will give you.." jam scribbled at 6:44 PM 0 comments >>> Friday, August 11, 2006 Great, blogger just played me up again. I typed a whole chunk of post and it just had to give me an error page. Rawr. Anyway. How did you spend your Nat Day hols? I went to watch the fireworks display on tues with Yuzhong, Xiuming and Yu Ming...they were really nice. (I didnt mean the people =x) Though we had to squeeze like hell with half the Singapore population there. To make it worse, some guy behind us started lighting a cigarette there. Was he trying to choke us to death or what...smoking among so many people. Then came this power grandma with her bunch of grandkids who bulldozed through the crowd to get to the front. Power grandma and her bunch of kids stampeded past YZ and he was darn pissed with them. When she was about to rampage through XM and I, I stood in front of her, blocking the mighty grandma's way. She stood behind me sadly and proclaimed loudly, 'so sad, here cannot get good view. let's bulldoze another direction.' And off she went. So rude la.Anyway. when the fireworks started, all the perspiration and waiting in the stuffy place was worth it. It was the best display of fireworks I had ever seen, and it's not those childplay you see on TV. The fireworks were really huge and shot really high into the sky. They lit up the night sky, but were gone in a flash. Think they're like all the good things in life. They don't have to last forever, just enjoy the moment while they last. That's why half the SG population, along with us, were willing to spend 3hrs+ travelling back and forth to watch 15mins worth of fireworks. Coz after the whole thing, the roads jam like siao -_- jam scribbled at 8:52 PM 0 comments >>> Wednesday, August 02, 2006 一个像夏天 一个像秋天第一次见面看你不太顺眼谁知道后来关系那么密切我们一个像夏天 一个像秋天却总能把冬天变成了春天你拖我离开一场爱的风雪我背你逃出一次梦的断裂遇见一个人然后生命全改变原来不是恋爱才有的情节如果不是你我不会相信朋友比情人还死心塌地就算我忙恋爱把你冷冻结冰你也不会恨我只是骂我几句如果不是你我不会确定朋友比情人更懂得倾听我的弦外之音我的有口无心我离不开darling更离不开你你了解我所有得意的东西才常泼我冷水怕我忘形你知道我所有丢脸的事情却为我的美好形象保密 jam scribbled at 8:55 PM 0 comments >>>
jam scribbled at 10:18 PM 0 comments >>> Thursday, August 17, 2006 Monday, the school fire alarm (bell?) went off by accident. At first even the lecturer didn't know what to do...I suppose everyone's first thought would be: false alarm. Although it was really a false alarm in the end, think it's funny how we suspect the bell when there isn't a pre-informed fire drill session. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the fire drill altogether? It's supposed to keep us prepared in case an emergency happens...yet it turns out that now we don't trust the bell unless we have been told that there will be a drill. What happens when there is a real fire? hmm. Then people will say that it will never happen. But some things always happen at the most unexpected time, don't they? (anyway there was about 3000+ fire incidents last year in SG)Anyway, there was this really lame announcement about selling ice-cream for CIP. Think it was quite dumb for the people to be making sexual innuendos on the bridge in front of all the teachers and such. At least they could be more subtle if they wanted -_- fund-raising is sort of a meaningful activity...they should not have tried to make such linkless links lor. In the end got stopped midsentence by the vp. Hah. Mrs Chin stopped the girl in time coz I think the next word she was going to say would be another sexual reference...coz she was stopped at "and we will give you.." jam scribbled at 6:44 PM 0 comments >>> Friday, August 11, 2006 Great, blogger just played me up again. I typed a whole chunk of post and it just had to give me an error page. Rawr. Anyway. How did you spend your Nat Day hols? I went to watch the fireworks display on tues with Yuzhong, Xiuming and Yu Ming...they were really nice. (I didnt mean the people =x) Though we had to squeeze like hell with half the Singapore population there. To make it worse, some guy behind us started lighting a cigarette there. Was he trying to choke us to death or what...smoking among so many people. Then came this power grandma with her bunch of grandkids who bulldozed through the crowd to get to the front. Power grandma and her bunch of kids stampeded past YZ and he was darn pissed with them. When she was about to rampage through XM and I, I stood in front of her, blocking the mighty grandma's way. She stood behind me sadly and proclaimed loudly, 'so sad, here cannot get good view. let's bulldoze another direction.' And off she went. So rude la.Anyway. when the fireworks started, all the perspiration and waiting in the stuffy place was worth it. It was the best display of fireworks I had ever seen, and it's not those childplay you see on TV. The fireworks were really huge and shot really high into the sky. They lit up the night sky, but were gone in a flash. Think they're like all the good things in life. They don't have to last forever, just enjoy the moment while they last. That's why half the SG population, along with us, were willing to spend 3hrs+ travelling back and forth to watch 15mins worth of fireworks. Coz after the whole thing, the roads jam like siao -_- jam scribbled at 8:52 PM 0 comments >>> Wednesday, August 02, 2006 一个像夏天 一个像秋天第一次见面看你不太顺眼谁知道后来关系那么密切我们一个像夏天 一个像秋天却总能把冬天变成了春天你拖我离开一场爱的风雪我背你逃出一次梦的断裂遇见一个人然后生命全改变原来不是恋爱才有的情节如果不是你我不会相信朋友比情人还死心塌地就算我忙恋爱把你冷冻结冰你也不会恨我只是骂我几句如果不是你我不会确定朋友比情人更懂得倾听我的弦外之音我的有口无心我离不开darling更离不开你你了解我所有得意的东西才常泼我冷水怕我忘形你知道我所有丢脸的事情却为我的美好形象保密 jam scribbled at 8:55 PM 0 comments >>>
Thursday, August 17, 2006
jam scribbled at 6:44 PM 0 comments >>> Friday, August 11, 2006 Great, blogger just played me up again. I typed a whole chunk of post and it just had to give me an error page. Rawr. Anyway. How did you spend your Nat Day hols? I went to watch the fireworks display on tues with Yuzhong, Xiuming and Yu Ming...they were really nice. (I didnt mean the people =x) Though we had to squeeze like hell with half the Singapore population there. To make it worse, some guy behind us started lighting a cigarette there. Was he trying to choke us to death or what...smoking among so many people. Then came this power grandma with her bunch of grandkids who bulldozed through the crowd to get to the front. Power grandma and her bunch of kids stampeded past YZ and he was darn pissed with them. When she was about to rampage through XM and I, I stood in front of her, blocking the mighty grandma's way. She stood behind me sadly and proclaimed loudly, 'so sad, here cannot get good view. let's bulldoze another direction.' And off she went. So rude la.Anyway. when the fireworks started, all the perspiration and waiting in the stuffy place was worth it. It was the best display of fireworks I had ever seen, and it's not those childplay you see on TV. The fireworks were really huge and shot really high into the sky. They lit up the night sky, but were gone in a flash. Think they're like all the good things in life. They don't have to last forever, just enjoy the moment while they last. That's why half the SG population, along with us, were willing to spend 3hrs+ travelling back and forth to watch 15mins worth of fireworks. Coz after the whole thing, the roads jam like siao -_- jam scribbled at 8:52 PM 0 comments >>> Wednesday, August 02, 2006 一个像夏天 一个像秋天第一次见面看你不太顺眼谁知道后来关系那么密切我们一个像夏天 一个像秋天却总能把冬天变成了春天你拖我离开一场爱的风雪我背你逃出一次梦的断裂遇见一个人然后生命全改变原来不是恋爱才有的情节如果不是你我不会相信朋友比情人还死心塌地就算我忙恋爱把你冷冻结冰你也不会恨我只是骂我几句如果不是你我不会确定朋友比情人更懂得倾听我的弦外之音我的有口无心我离不开darling更离不开你你了解我所有得意的东西才常泼我冷水怕我忘形你知道我所有丢脸的事情却为我的美好形象保密 jam scribbled at 8:55 PM 0 comments >>>
Friday, August 11, 2006
jam scribbled at 8:52 PM 0 comments >>> Wednesday, August 02, 2006 一个像夏天 一个像秋天第一次见面看你不太顺眼谁知道后来关系那么密切我们一个像夏天 一个像秋天却总能把冬天变成了春天你拖我离开一场爱的风雪我背你逃出一次梦的断裂遇见一个人然后生命全改变原来不是恋爱才有的情节如果不是你我不会相信朋友比情人还死心塌地就算我忙恋爱把你冷冻结冰你也不会恨我只是骂我几句如果不是你我不会确定朋友比情人更懂得倾听我的弦外之音我的有口无心我离不开darling更离不开你你了解我所有得意的东西才常泼我冷水怕我忘形你知道我所有丢脸的事情却为我的美好形象保密 jam scribbled at 8:55 PM 0 comments >>>
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
jam scribbled at 8:55 PM 0 comments >>>