Although there may be some whom you really cannot see eye-to-eye with, there are too many kinds of people in the world for you to hate them all. Try making more friends than enemies...
Hmm. Funny how a cartoon show can end up being a tear jerker. Shall not say which lest I get laughed at. =D Quote from cartoon: "Sometimes the most difficult part of being a friend is to say goodbye." (or something to that effect)
Met my junior on the bus a few days ago. Had a nice chat. You know,(obviously you don't other wise you won't be reading this.)(nevermind) I feel that sometimes juniors can come across as.....younger siblings. Although you only spend a few years with them, but you watch them change, grow pimples, hear their voice break(in this case), you see that they are like, growing up. Oh well. Maybe it's just me lah. I'm an only child. ONLY CHILD!! Ah. Maybe when my parents are qi1lao3ba1shi2 I will still ask them why they didn't want to have another child and bug them to have another one. (if virtually possible. =x)
Good luck to (any) seniors (who are reading this) for prelimns!
And Singaporeans can you stop complaining?! Junyang out then out lah, it has become a fact. I also think he is good what, but you cant cry over split-i-mean-spilt milk. At first blame Wei Lian bad enough, then blame the system of 70-30 weightage, now blame Quan Yi Feng for so-called helping Wei Lian to gain votes by saying what she said. If Singaporeans were so easily swayed, you all complain(ers) would not have been supporting Junyang till now. Right? Can you exercise a bit of your brain?
Oops. Maybe you don't have. Cause you know how some people listen to the DJ read 4D results? THEY LISTEN TO THE BACKGROUND MUSIC INSTEAD OF THE NUMBERS! And some people can possibly hear the background music when it is (note: exaggeration) as loud as an ant's squeak. Ant's don't squeak, you say? Have you ever heard an ant squeak? No? There, it is so soft that you cant hear. (note: warped point)
This is the first time I am not liking a promotion. Promotional exams.
jam scribbled at 8:15 PM
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