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Friday, July 15, 2005

I have decided to do something to prevent my blog from degenerating into one of the many 'teen-sy' blogs.

Actually, what was discussed in GP today was very real. And it sparked off many thoughts(for me, at least.) What would have happened if the London bombings occurred here? Obviously nothing would happen. Why? Cause we have Total Defence. It can block off everything. Everyone would be involved because everyone has a part to play in Total Defence. No, seriously. On 7th July, IF it were to happen here, it would be around 3pm local time. At that time, I would have already been on the bus back home. Possibly reached home, bathed, and started playing maplestory. Then some cute nice and adorable little bomb would go off. (not to school) Then? I would die. No la. Depends on where the bomb is. What would you be doing then? Would you think about those around you? At school. Everyone at HCI (college) would suddenly realise that HCI (high school) IS really a prestigious school and they wouldn't mind squeezing in a tiny air rifle range with thousands of other cute little boys in sexy khaki shorts because (I think) that's about the only bomb shelter for miles. Then on the way there those from other schools would say 'Help! Where is the air rifle range!' and us TCHS boys would laugh at them and make them kneel down and apologise for all the stuff they said about sexy khaki shorts. No, seriously again. We don't know what would happen. In fact, it would really be horrible if it were to happen here. -Almost- no one would be prepared cause nowadays youngsters don't know where the nearest bomb shelter is. They only know where's Orchard Road. Treasuring every second of your life is very important cause you don't know what will happen the day after tomorrow. Eh! sounds like a movie.

And, tens of thousands of dollars may be peanuts to you but it may be walnuts to some. (walnut was the biggest -nut I could think of)

(Anyway, I'm an absolute hypocrite cause I just wasted 15minutes of my life typing this piece of crap.)

jam scribbled at 6:47 PM




Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 9:34 PM  

lol. nvm.

Blogger iCe pigged out at 9:43 PM  

did you say 'treasurin every moment of your life is very important'?
if so den theres all e more reason not to waste time to find out wheres e nearest bomb shelther and stuff, but enjoy yourself n go orchard if tats e place you like. isnt it rite?

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 2:55 PM  

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