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Friday, May 13, 2005

Quote of the day--

"Chinese Language Elective Scholarship

'We regret to inform you that you have not been selected for the above mentioned scholarship. However, we hope that your being in the Language Elective Programme (Chinese) will further deepen your love for Chinese Language and Literature. We wish you an enjoyable journey of discovery ahead.' "

Thanks a lot, Mole. Thanks for providing me with such a wonderful education system that has moulded me to become the sarcastic, satirical, cynical and critical person that I am today. Thanks. I deeply appreciate your continual effort and I am sure you can feel my utmost gratitude that surfaces from the downright bottom of my heart.

When Wei Zheng passed to me the wretched letter, I saw a flash of the word 'regret'. Then I wondered whether it could write "We regret to inform you that you have been selected for the above mentioned scholarship".

It's not all about the 1000 bucks. (or bugs.) Now I definitely can't go for the Taiwan/China immersion trip at the end of the year unless I pick up a few thousand dollars worth of cold, hard cash on the road (FYI, it's about as much chance as I would be joining track and field.) or unless my father strikes the lottery. (FYI, it's about as much chance as I would grow to like the brown pod things called cockroaches.) The point is, with the scholarship, you get to go for the trip free. And without, you don't. Initially, I was freaked out because I thought the trip was compulsory and I knew I couldn't afford to go. After that, I found out that it wasn't compulsory. You could not go and stay to be attached to the press to be a reporter. So I felt better. Anyway, I can't stay sad for long one. I'm an optimist. Max of one day and I'll be ok. (OK doesn't mean forget but mean look on the brighter side of things)

And thanks to all those who comforted me. Ethel, Yayan, Zuohou, Ying Hong Wei Ying, Adeline, Naga and any other person whom I've missed order of merit.

And I began to think about why I didn't get the scholarship. I mean, I was prepared for this kind of thing to happen. That was why I didn't tell my parents about it. In case it happened and my parents will be disappointed and my mom will go 'See lar, I told you to read more chinese books and less comics.' Whatever. At least I attempt to watch the news everyday during dinner. But I want to know why I didn't make it. My shortcomings...I came up with a few reasons why the adorable Mole didn't give the 1000 bugs to me. (Assuming perfect competition i.e. everyone has no shortcomings.)

  1. I didn't take C. Lit in secondary school. Instead, I went to study about little lumps of land called volcanoes. 3/4 of the scholarship holders from our class took C. Lit in sec school. So they weren't convinced that I had enough love for Chinese.
  2. (To t hem)I didn't have enough potential to be a good enough Chinese teacher in the future. Because I am shy and introverted. That is quite absolute rubbish. Introvert make good teachers too. Maybe it's because I said that nowadays students are more and more difficult to handle. (refer to here)
  3. My cca is library. If it is because of this and because I'm not from some other more glamorous cca, then I would rather die than take the scholarship and apologise for choosing such a lousy cca and promise to change cca.
  4. I AM A FREAKING DARNED B---O---Y. why. People talk about gender equality. Haha, it's so funny. They don't want to take too many boys because last year, a lot of male scholarship holders had theirs terminated after one year so they didn't want to waste their 1000 bugs on the unfortunately wretched male species of homo sapiens (read Animorphs). And they just made a freaking huge and obvious fallacy. Overgeneralization. This information came from Wei Zheng. Talk about equality of the sexes. Heh.

Well, I have to thank Mole again. Do keep up your good work at changing your education policies more often than people change sex partners. (note: incessant rambling on my part) And please keep the string of new warped and highly-ineffective, -inefficient, unfeasible policies coming! They give me something to do in my free time: Ridiculing at the ridiculous policies and worrying for my juniors the young ones who will suffer under these absoloooootely wonderrrrrrrrrrfuLL policies. Oh, and using my vivid imagination to imagine what the world will be like in the future. Everyone would be carrying a half-bucketful water on each shoulder--one bucket from England, one bucket from China. Or even better, only half-bucketful of water from England on one shoulder and being unable to balance properly, trip and fall and die.

Muhahaahahahaha. Maybe it's better for me to stay in Singapore to be attached to the press to write articles. I like writing zuo wen(s) to laugh at the policies come up by Yours Truly.

Thanks Mole! I will definitely have an enjoyable journey of discovery ahead-discovering how bureaucratic Yours Truly is.

=) (please do not think I am a weak and fragile person who has nil EQ and AQ. It's normal to feel down when the impact hits you. As you can see [very] clearly from this entry, I'm ok now.)

jam scribbled at 7:47 PM



sorry! today i was quite insensitive!

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 10:42 PM  

it's ok got it mah..good for you! haha. how much you got for zuowen? if you are too paiseh of your marks den you can dun post here...hahahahahaha.

Blogger iCe pigged out at 9:04 AM  

wahahahhaa... i din get back my zuowen ibet it is too good thats y he kept it!:)

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 9:06 PM  

dun be too sad la.. jus realised din really console you tat day. yea. this kind of things.. can expect one la.. lol. but aniwae, n fyi, there isnt a small possibility tat you can b sued if moe occassionally conducts a small lil random yet regular search for their name n out pops this cute lil blog of yours, with e flame of recca background, but most of alll, a sweet lil biography of them along with a good bit of praisin (from e heart of your bottom i guess) and defamation.. ohhhh. i will be touched. (tears flowin down my cheeks profusely. like a tap.) tat there is actually such a nice sweet n cute lil boy from hci tat blogs about me so too often and helpin me POINT (or exclaim) out all my giantic FLAWS. n FLAWED policies as well. they might jus hav to send you a letter to tell you tat your effort to pubicise their policies every now n then is very very much appreciated n would like e supreme court to announuce to e whole of singapore. at e end of e letter they might say this is a computer generated message. no signature is needed. (no sincerity at all rite! ought to hand it to you personally mah.) hahas.

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 11:35 PM  

hmms. good point. den i shall write as 'mole'. after all the pronounciation is the same. XD

Blogger iCe pigged out at 9:41 AM  

hi i wish to clarify one thing. the lep tr who shall hereafter be referred to as Robin (u noe why la (: ) said they anyhow choose people for lep scholarship.

as for why they didnt choose guys over gals, its from my own analysis of this table they pasted some time back ("Status of 2004/2005 LEP(C) scholars"). FYI, half of all scholars had their 1000 buckeroos either withdrawn or renewed conditionally (i.e. good BT results..but many didnt make it.) and most were guys (:

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 12:15 PM  

Leave your mark!
