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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

One day, a group of mice decided they were bored and wanted to travel out of their mousehole.
Mouse A: Let's go to Cornwall!
Mouse B: Ok! We go tomorrow! This is organised by me as I've only planned the date! Must go arh~
Mouse C: Ok, since it's organised by you, I shall inform all the mice of the trip!

-On the day of the event-

The mice reach Cornwall and started eating corn, duh~ Mouse B saw some cats eating cheese and went over out of curiosity.
Mouse B: Hi! Why are you eating cheese? I thought you were supposed to eat mice.
Cats: We're eating them so that you mice have nothing left to eat and thus will die! Then we can eat you all! Clever right? You want to join us?
Mouse B: Wah! So clever! (looks around for orchid) Ok!

-Mouse B and some other mice goes to eat cheese-

Mouse A+C:Where's B? I thought this was planned by her!! How come she's gone to eat cheese instead of corny!!!
The other mice eating corn: can't blame them lah. Mice like to eat cheese by nature mah.

~end of story~

Don't ask me what it means if you don't know. Then again, try asking me. I might tell you....

But anyway no one is blaming anyone lah. Just that I feel a bit yi2 han4. (raphael you don't have to comment.)

Haiz. Why some people like that? Say that those people who use 'raffia' to tie their blouses(the plural is not blice right? since mouse-mice...then again, house-houses. ok.) look like balloon. Don't like that lah...after all we are all part of the HC fAmily...we come here to take the A-level exAminations only...though some come here to take humAnities program lah. People late a bit only don't have to say them balloon right. we also never say you have about 100 grammar mistakes after talking for about 1 minute. oops! I just did right. =x

jam scribbled at 8:00 PM



intelligently conceived story.. well embellished with details. but e part bout cats eatin cheese was my idea hor.. nvm. it could be quite clear to those not involved tat this entry is quite a piece of rubbish. BUT. they are so clever! this is indeed a piece of rubbish.. lol. you dun always han2 sha1 she4 ying3 liao.
story well written!
(tats e only consolation bah. lol)

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 12:35 PM  

is that supposed to be a joke! :P haha.

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 6:52 PM  

haha. yah sort of =p

Blogger iCe pigged out at 8:26 PM  

haha..thanks. yah! very qian bian lol.

Blogger iCe pigged out at 6:05 PM  

er.. it's..
"welcome to da hwachong FARmileE.. and humARnity programme.." heez.. =)

Anonymous Anonymous pigged out at 4:27 PM  

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