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Thursday, March 31, 2005

quote(s) of the day (both from council campaign)--

1. "two or more genders"--i'm certain i heard this phrase somewhere during the campaigning today...

2. "i will improve the welfare of your welfare"--uh?????

(no offence)


time to talk about the new intakes. (stupid blogger was down yest.) changes are always exciting =D but too much at a time can knock people off their feet =x on the boys' side, 4 new ones came in. and not surprisingly, 4 are all tchs. so the class is flooded with tchs ppl. plus one acsi =D of the four...3 are familiar its not that bad. then there's 3 cedar and 1 dunman...

hmm. think its quite rude to call people by their schools.

so. the boys theres keevin, chongsheng, fong yi, weizheng. then girls theres ying hong, adeline, yuet ee and jasmine. (names are churned out using my extremely pro spelling. and memory.)
and i think most of the boys have blended in pretty well so far....then havent really talked to the girls yet except for yinghong. makes me wonder whether yayan is the standard dunman girl. coz yinghong is -quite- like her. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. and omg! theres another potential IBB(opposite of BBI. best business idea.) after weiying left for arts stream! in case your wondering, IBB=innocent-boy-bullier.[in case you din know, the innocent boy refers to me. (i thought it should be quite obvious...XD) ] its adeline. she likes to suan people also. haha.

and i havent added all the new members to our class blog yet. dont know their emails..............................

and today mrs koh didnt come and we were playing TF again!(TF=twitch finger game!) i invented TF on my own. only i call it TF. haha. think its quite fun. and boys being evil boys zuohou and dunno who else (i think keevin was guilty of it too! thought he looked quite kind and nice. hmph. rawrrr. hahaha...) kept trying to kill me with my three fingers lah. and of course i was so pro and only died after their umpteenth time. hah! =P

today was the council campaigning day...was quite crappy other than the fact that we got 3 periods break which meant a whopping 2 hours!

some of the candidates made me feel ashamed of being from the same school as them (only some) while some others (like yeowchin! and yangxiang) made me feel proud of being in the same class as them for 2 years.
i think the answering question part wasnt very well in, there could be better lame jokes, embarassing moments and disgusting stuff. i thought of a few i would say if i were up there. but then again...i dont have the courage that the candidates have...and the thick skin.
as for the performance...i think there was sort of a ascending standard...(=P) yeowchin rocks! super pro singing. hahas. but i think the other two didnt do anything much.....? and there were many lame perfs...and some boring ones too. but i remember the mouse click thingy =D
as for the speeches..heard some super cliche ones that were hurting to the ears..didnt really hear any GREAT speeches. although i have no business to be complaining when i didnt even bother to try to run for council lah..

and as usual we had our super great class councilor seb to demonstrate his specialty: dancing! hahas. it was quite entertaining. and i heard some unkind and unnecessary remarks that made me feel like throwing something at the person remarking...
funny isnt it? there were only two female i wonder what happens when all the councilors for athena next year are male. then there will be two guys teaching dance instead of a couple. how wierd. but i thought the dunman girl was quite good. -thinks about the 1st-intake dunman girl in class- haha....

hmm...athena's councilors-to-be really looks Pathetic with a capital P...haiz. those who say they are bubbly, fun-loving and sporty dont really project that image you know...and i think this is the first time i heard someone proclaiming they're humorous. er...........

ok lah. i know. i should not be criticising so much. really sorry seb..i didnt go and run for it. but...where on earth did you hear that i was an effective library chairman?? lol...i suppose i scraped it through though...didnt really want to take up the job at first. but i managed to complete the task cause the library club was like a pathetic 20 plus people...and you only have to speak in front of these 20 over people to whom you're acquainted(how to spell??) i cant really say i 'make a good leader' as you said =P and library is very different from council anyway...but i know you feel sad about the quality of the candidates...maybe (hopefully) they'll improve over time..they've just started out i suppose. and dont doubt your writing abilities =) sorry for pouring cold water on your 'evil plan'...but i think i'd be worse off them some of them on stage..getting stage fright, stammering and not knowing what to say in front of NUMEROUS extremely critical seniors. sometimes i think the councilors are more friendly with the candidates than some of the J2s..

well. what a long entry! somehow its the worms period and around my block void decks there're LOTS of wormies crawling around...ew. had to take care not to step on them. a few days already. piggy wormies. hope they go back to their homes soon. its tiring trying to play minesweeper. and there're lots of black imprints which i suspect are squashed wormies. haha. well at least its not dead roachies. (like last time they sprayed the whole block with insecticide. argh.) anyway, ttfn!

flame of recca is super nice!!!!!!!!! im gonna buy the english ver VCD. yeahhhhhhh.

jam scribbled at 7:25 PM



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