Saturday, January 29, 2005
wee. bought a jigggggsaw puzzle today. 1000pcs! yays. shall give myself two weeks to do it. always liked to do jigsaws...been doing it since young..hahas. shall go to town tml~
then did my speech on was usual =) was very nervous...nothing new too. im not good at these kind of stuff. always had stage fright. then i didnt know what i was talking about. hahas. anyways its over now! and i joined library-public relations. it was my second choice....put aesthetics as first choice because mrs koh was the teacher in charge and i thought amanda was there. (saw her talking to mrs koh during the meeting so thought she was in that group but turned out she quit -_- thought that would be better to have someone i know in the group...) then i chose PR cause of a very lame reason. cause they said maybe will co-organise activities with high school side. yays! then can see rosie again. she haven retire yet. she taught so long already and still seem so young...hahas.
hmmm in jc the concept of junior-senior is very different from sec school. in sec school it refers to that within cca. so when u refer to them their within the same cca. and sometimes much younger. so much cuter and childish. hahas. but now i wonder how j2 call those j1 within the same cca? whenever i hear junior, always make me think back of my juniors in TCHS...the fun times we shared...hahas. should go back and see them sometime. and see rosie and chanml and ng soo nee and what-not. and the bottle of qoo. well im off to do the jiggggsaw! ttfn!
jam scribbled at 10:06 PM
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