ah! li jia wei nv win. lose against korea...sigh. i made two conclusions frm today's match...
1. li jia wei serve tt time action v cute...one leg will raise up a bit one.
2. her diamond earrings de diamond quite big. bt chanml's rings r bigger. susilo not as rich as brazilian husband...
n do y all koreans (2) lyk to shout n scream n make a fuss despite winning or losing? todays opponent oso liddat. bt at least she betta den tt stupid tuna fish. speaking of tuna fish....
yay!! noisy tuna fish nv win!!!!!! yay!!! china trash her! hahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha yayayayayayayayayayayayay
sorry for tt extremely biased sentence/outburst. wahahahhah. e dumb tuna fish try to act seh n serve high ball....in e end failed....i almost died of luffter...hahahahaha where got ppl so stupid. orhbi tt she failed.
and shall blog a bit abt yesterday. went to sch tml...den went to lib...n went in to do voluntary work...ahhaha. den edward was there....wrapped bks together wif him...i wrap 3 bks he wrap one....win liao lor. den aft tt went off wif him...he took out his halfeaten 'hum chee peng' to eat....den it dropped on e floor...hahahahahahahaha. den took 157 back...den SO SUAY!!!!! met this stupid GIRL (i refrain frm using obscenities) who came to participate in a lib activity held this yr june. she came frm greenridge sec i tink. den edward was keeping e time for my activity den it was her grp's turn den edi said '3min left' or sumting den she said 'shaddup la' WA LAO! i shud hav told edi to giv her grp lesser time lor!
stupid idiot ass....tell my junior to shaddup? nv mess wif ME b4. humph. den aft tt another activity (pictionary) den she commented publicly: "y u all so stupid one? always giv the same word, n we dunno how to draw tt one!" den NY librarians laughed. of coz other sch got some giggles i tink. hello? is YOU stupid dunno how to draw can? n we r clever enuff to guess wad u dunno den we keep giving it. muahahhahahahaha. such, is the wonderful unsurpassed intelligence of TCHS librarians. sorry.....gettin carried away. anyway, the stupid girl boarded e bus den din c mi...lucky lor. humph. if i c here again.....i mite.....mite not do anything. sorry la! i v kind n gentle de. wun bully ppl one. only get bullied. *blush* haha, j/k. tfn~!
jam scribbled at 9:25 PM
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